The habits and patterns of our daily lives can weave one of two tales. The first is a life of choices made based on good values, of discipline, peace, and truth – affected but not defined by circumstance. The second is a life spent oscillating between reaction and apathy – blown back and forth by every external wind.

Which tale we are living can be made manifest during the high-pressures of life, the valleys where trails stress and challenge us. But most of life is lived in the routines of the plains. When we are in relative comfort, it is easy to lose track. It can be difficult to know whether we are sailing to a destination or drifting in the current. One of the great benefits of listening to God is that he will tell us to which side we lean. He will show us if life on the plains is about consistency or apathy.

The Spirit is always leading. Even in the plains of life, God is calling us. Asking us not to take them for granted. Inviting us to see them for all they are worth. Alluring us with the opportunity of every day. The opportunity to believe, enjoy, and invest. How we respond to God’s call will make the difference in what kind of life we live.

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.”
– John 10:27-28