This verse asks us to bear the burdens of others. That means taking responsibility to act based on someone else’s struggles. Not that we are to be blamed for the decisions of others. Rather we are responsible to seek how to best engage to help them. To seek to engage in a manner that is constructive. That seeks their best interest. Regardless of what they or others might think of us for doing so. To intercede as the Lord leads.

This is not a license to demand others bear our load. A few verses later Galatians tells us to each bear our own load. This is an opportunity to invest in others when there might be nothing apparent “in it for us” other than to serve. Simply because God asks us to be His hands and feet to serve His flock. To build His house. To serve other members of His Body.

The greater context of Galatians points us toward walking in the power of the Spirit. To channel the power of the resurrected Christ into our surroundings. It makes it clear that, on our own, this is impossible. But with Christ all things are possible.

We have a brief but glorious space of time when we have the opportunity to walk by faith. One tangible picture of what this looks like is taking responsibility for our own walk, as well as shouldering the burden of others to influence them toward the gospel of peace – for their best interest.

Jesus bore His own burden, as well as shouldering the burdens of the entire world. God so loved the world that He bore its entire weight. He loved us so much He was willing to sacrifice His very life for our sake. We cannot take ownership of others and are not ultimately responsible for the choices they make. But we can allow the load-bearing power of Jesus to flow through us. We can love and influence and do our best to share the load of our fellow travelers.

“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ..”
– Galatians 6:1-2