It is common to wonder if God is using circumstances to tell us something. 

God condemns what Eliphaz and two of Job’s friends had to say about God, but is silent about Elihu. Which likely means that Elihu is on point. And here Elihu makes a startling claim: God is speaking all around us, but we can’t really hear.

The Bible conforms Elihu’s first point, that God is always speaking in a number of places.

Psalm 19 tells us that the heavens declare God’s glory. Romans 10:18 says the heavens declare the gospel. Revelation 12 speaks of a sign in heaven of a woman giving birth and a dragon seeking to destroy the child. God also speaks through dreams – he told Joseph to take Mary as his wife. And God, further, speaks through circumstances – he sent a storm to divert Jonah to go to Nineveh.

Certainly the heavens are filled with wonder. Which reflects a God of wonder. The problem is not that God is silent. Elihu puts his finger on the core problem. We lack perception.

We tend to become oblivious to the wonder around us. The wonder is still there, we just grow hardened to it. But we can choose to take time each day to slow down and re-engage with wonder. 

We can look for God in our circumstances. We tend to look for God to fix our circumstances. To bend them to our will. But the real opportunity is to seek to learn what God has for us within our circumstances. To find ways we can know Him. To learn lessons and exercise faith. God might occasionally use a circumstance to direct our path. But most often we should view a circumstance as an invitation. An invitation to know Him better. To walk in faith.

“But I tell you, in this you are not right, for God is greater than any mortal. Why do you complain to him that he responds to no one’s words? For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it.”
– Job 33:12-14