Tragedy comes upon us like an unsuspected tide. We are walking along the beach, relatively content, feeling safe and in control. And without warning, we find ourselves under water. Drowning.

Tragedies hurt. The pain they inflict needs to be addressed. At some point in our lives, the wave of sorrow will cause us to tumble. But the Lord is available in the pit. He is there to hear us, to comfort us, to cast off our fear. 

When tragedy strikes, we face vital choices. We must choose a perspective. Will we make excuses, cast blame, or hold grudges? Will we curse God? Or will we see him as a source of comfort? 

We must also choose a response. Although we cannot sidestep or ignore sorrow, we can decide to whom we will call when our circumstances seem too hard to bear. We can decide whether to share our grief or hold it to ourselves.

To avoid is to ignore our grief. Dusting ourselves off and trying to go on as if nothing happened is not the proper response. God is near. We can call out to Him. The Lord hears us in tragedy. He sees our anguish and turns his ear to our cries.

“Waters flowed over my head; I said, ‘I am cut off!’ I called on Your name, O Lord, Out of the lowest pit. You have heard my voice, ‘Do not hide Your ear from my prayer for relief, From my cry for help’. You drew near when I called on You; You said, ‘Do not fear!’” 
– Lamentations 3:54-57