Faith superheroes, just like the heroes in comics and movies, are called to a purpose. They are tasked with upholding justice.

The responsibility of our power brings us to the question of justice and our part to play in upholding truth. Both individually and corporately, we have been given the gift of faith, not solely to feed the internal desires of our own flesh but to pursue the greatest good available to all of us. And to do it together.

Justice is much more than upholding the laws of the land. And it certainly is not about the arbitrary judgment and sentencing many comic book heroes employ.

Justice is harmony. It is each member of the body of Christ doing what it was made to do to the best of its ability. If the arm is acting like the leg or the toenail like the elbow, the body is out of harmony.

We were each created to do our part. With Christ as the head, we are a body designed to uphold the system by participating properly in the Kingdom of God. The justice we seek cries out in our bones. It is the harmony of a chorus all of creation sings together. Placing things in their proper place is the heart of justice.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
– Micah 6:8