The riches of the Kingdom of Heaven are more grand and more abundant than we can imagine. They are not riches of material, but of spirit. As we put our trust in Jesus, we are invited to HIs table. And it is a feast of joy, hope, love, and peace.

But none of this is truly free. It costs something.

The riches of the Kingdom of Heaven come at a price. By the grace of God, it is a cost we do not have to pay. Jesus took the responsibility in our stead and made it so that loving Him rather than suffering justice is the key to the door of Heaven.

For us, the cost of the Kingdom of Heaven is relatively benign. All it really costs us is the illusion of our own way, the feasting of the appetites of our flesh. The exchange for us is to hand over the things we don’t truly want but look appetizing today for our hearts deepest desires. The caging of our flesh for the sake of our spirit.

In addition, the love of Jesus is so different than the standards the world has set in place. Our courage to put our trust in Him may cost us popularity in this world. 

These costs (for us) are as nothing compared to the riches of Christ’s table. In fact, joining Christ in the cost is paradoxically part of the riches. As we face trial, temptation, unforeseen circumstances, and the fickle approval of men, let us remember that God is with us, we are joining Him in suffering, and sliding our chairs up to His table, to enjoy the enigmatic and eternal riches of God.

“For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.”
– Romans 6:5