There are few things more indicative of the posture of our heart than the words we choose to say. Elsewhere in Scripture, words are described as “the overflow of the heart”. What we say has a way of revealing our agenda. Words help express our vision and reveal to the world around us what we are aiming for.

Sometimes our words are about making ourselves look smart or funny or wise. And we might use them to that effect regardless of how our words might cut or harm others. Sometimes our words are about putting on a show, fluffy and superficial. And sometimes our words are used as tools to help edify the Body of Christ and proclaim His Kingdom.

When we use our words in this way, we utilize them in the way God intended. Our words are a reflection of who we are, whom we trust, and what we value. They also influence others. They are tools to serve, to love, to benefit (both others as well as ourselves).

We call words “expressions” and that is exactly what they are. The Bible teaches us to be intentional about our words, purposeful about how we use our tongue. With it we can edify or destroy, we can build or tear down.

Like everything else in life, words are an opportunity for us to steward. A resource at our disposal. How are we using them? How can we use them more effectively? How can we align what we utter with what we believe? Because when we do so, our lives, the lives of others, and The Kingdom of Heaven itself are magnified.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
– Ephesians 4:29