Life is hard. We often stumble through it.

One of the great truths of Christianity is that God is here. He holds us when we stumble, catches us when we fall. It is upon the Lord we can depend.

The things that happen to us do not have to control us. The Lord rescues us from the control of circumstances. He provides an invitation to a transcendent life. One that makes choices in the midst of circumstances, without being defined by them.

The key is to choose a true perspective – our choices rest on trusting God in the midst of things we cannot control. We can’t control outcomes. We can’t control what others do. We can’t make criticism stop. We can’t decide how the people around us will behave.

We can only be faithful. If we resist the temptation to settle for a lesser way, if we live faithfully, we win. It doesn’t matter what others do.

It is important that we focus on faithfulness and not outcomes. Being faithful is hard. We all
fail. We all fall into self. We all stumble and need someone to catch us. But faithfulness is something we may choose. Outcomes are not.

We can choose to be a good steward of our gifts. Of our time on earth. We are responsible to use what we have. We are responsible to steward our gifts shrewdly.

We are not responsible to make things turn out a certain way. Bad things will happen. But they are all preauthorized. And our job is to keep fighting. To lean into the Lord’s hand by trusting his love for us.

“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”
– Psalm 37:23-24