New To Christianity2023-06-26T12:58:18-04:00

New To Christianity

In this series we focus on addressing questions that people who are new to Christianity or are just starting to engage with Scripture might have. We talk with Mark Meckler about his experience as a new Christian, the challenges he faced and questions he wrestled with. The beginning of any new endeavor can be difficult. There are unique practices, new language, and so many questions about the way things are supposed to work. This newness can be tricky to navigate, and sometimes frustrating. We hope these conversations will inspire and encourage you to more fully participate in the Kingdom of God.

One Man’s Faith Journey Ep.1

In this episode, we explore the origins of Christianity and its relationship to Judaism. We talk with Mark Meckler about his faith journey, including [...]

One Man’s Faith Journey Ep.2

In this episode, we explore the origins of Christianity and its relationship to Judaism. We continue to talk with Mark Meckler about his faith [...]

What Is Evangelism? Ep. 3

In this episode, we dive into the question: what is evangelism? The best way to express the gospel to others is to live it [...]

Where Do I Start? Ep. 4

If you are new to Christianity, you might find it overwhelming to open up your Bible. There are so many books in the Bible, [...]

How is the Bible Organized? Ep. 5

If you’re new to Christianity, you may notice the Bible is full of a lot of different kinds of books and that the Christian [...]

What is the Bible About? Ep. 10

Why was The Bible written? Is there a main point to it? What is The Bible about? In this episode, we discuss these questions [...]

What are spiritual gifts? Ep. 17

The Bible reveals that every person created in the image of God has certain spiritual gifts or talents. These can be used to help [...]

Should I vote as a Christian? Ep. 20

Modern politics are full of many traps, landmines, historical abuses, and confusion. It sometimes seems best to avoid politics altogether. The Bible does not [...]

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