Every day, we face a plethora of choices. From an early age, we are taught there are repercussions for our behavior. What we do has an affect on what happens next. Poor choices lead to negative consequences and disobedience brings discipline. But loving parents teach their children they are loved and accepted no matter their children’s behavior.

In similar fashion, nothing can separate God’s children from His love. Consequences are not a condemnation of who we are, they are a tool to aid us in behaving better. As His children, we are wrapped in His love no matter how badly we might behave. But choices still have consequences. And our sin separates us from full participation in His blessing.

If we believe and embrace this perspective as our current reality, it has a twofold effect.

First, it gives us a sense of peace and security. God’s love is our safety net. It serves our fundamental need for security. Encouraging us to try again each day. Our faults will never put a dent in our being fully accepted by God.

The second effect is that it spurs us to betterment. Entrenched in His love, we see it is in our self-interest to seek the full benefit of his blessing. We want to participate in the amazing benefits of His Kingdom. 

It’s like a football player who knows he has made the team. His secure position frees him to focus on winning games, performing well for the team, striving for excellence. Seeking the thrill of a championship.

The perspective the Bible offers us to embrace is that God’s abundant love is not something to seek. It is a precious and permanent possession that provides a firm foundation for constructive living.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
– Romans 8:38-39